We equip journalists and editors across Africa with skills to provide balanced and objective evidence-based news coverage on emerging health technologies.

The media is a key partner as it plays a critical role in agenda-setting on national discourse. The Health Tech Platform builds the capacity of both individual science/health journalists in national and regional media and networks of journalists to promote balanced and objective/evidence-based reporting on emerging health technologies.

Additionally, the Platform brings together media, researchers and policy experts for dialogues on emerging technologies, to meaningfully contribute to the adoption of evidence-based policies that address health challenges on the continent.

The Health Tech Platform works with the media in the following ways:

Training workshops

The Platform conducts media training workshops on emerging health technologies in several African countries, to increase their understanding of the role of emerging technologies in reducing disease burden and saving lives, and encourage evidence-based reporting on these technologies. The Platform links journalists with scientists, innovators and experts in emerging health technologies for media interviews and TV/radio panel discussions.

Media Award

The Platform partners with media networks in Africa to run an annual award of excellence, which recognises journalists for the best reporting on emerging technologies and their potential in addressing health challenges. The purpose of the media award is to stimulate interest and increase the volume and quality of media stories on development and use of these technologies in Africa.